Kroko Autoprint helps you print the correct label for any application. It can easily be adapted to your specific needs, and users always get the correct labels, regardless of their prior experience with the system.

Who is it for?

Compared with the conventional methods, Kroko Autoprint offers a reliable, easy-to-use labelling technique. You can create significant savings as your work progresses smoothly and production does not grind to a halt because of tricky printing software.

For production lines in plants of any size, maintenance operations and infrastructure construction.

How does the program work?

The program enables you to print labels easily for even the largest material sets. It allows you to create QR codes easily, improving the traceability and unique identification of products.

Kroko Autoprint is designed to make it easier to print labels from readymade materials, such as product databases and Excel files. Previously it was difficult, if not impossible, to create and print appropriate labels from many systems.

The program enables you to print various labels required on a single workstation. With the Kroko Autoprint program, labels can be printed quickly and efficiently from existing data formats.

Kroko Autoprint – Maintenance

Using QR codes in maintenance operations is the easiest way to make the machine cards for machines added to the system accessible by mobile devices. This way, all maintenance measures can be saved in the device data in real time, and no oversights occur because records are not up to date.

Kroko printers can be connected to systems with the CSV file format either directly for printing QR codes or alternatively the information is transferred to the Kroko Autoprint program from where all labels, including QR codes, can be printed onsite easily and in a uniform manner.

The main benefit of the Kroko Autoprint program is that uniform markings that are easy to interpret can be produced quickly and easily. Valuable working time is saved when label writers are not required to produce individual – often unclear – labels.

Kroko’s devices can be used to print markings on materials tested by VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland for sites where the use of adhesive labels is feasible. In practice, adhesive labels can be used in most applications, apart from those where high resistance to wear and tear or fire-proofing is required.


  • In industry, a new printer has typically been acquired for each label type or heat-shrinkable sleeve, because changing printing materials in the printers has been laborious. This has resulted in production employees having to walk long distances from their workstations to the label printer locations. While exercise in the workplace may be beneficial otherwise, unnecessary walking does nothing to speed up production. For printing to run smoothly, an employee with labelling expertise was required to be onsite to prevent risk of interruptions to production.
  • Kroko Autoprint brings added efficiency and flexibility to production conditions. When necessary, the program can be integrated with various ERP systems, but labelling in itself is not overly complicated. Special expertise is no longer required to create label templates, and printers can be operated without expensive, complex printing software.
  • For Kroko’s printers, changing printing material from adhesive labels to heat-shrinkable sleeves is easier than for any other printer on the market. Combined with the easy-to-use interface, this feature ensures that labels can be printed wherever they are needed.

Prices starting from

The packages include installation, guidance and warranty.

Free test use periods are possible.


Kroko 3600R printer (1 pcs)

Kroko Autoprint Lite licence (1 pcs)



Kroko 600EP printer (1 pcs)

Kroko Autoprint Lite licence (1 pcs)



Kroko 600EP & 3600R printer (1 pcs)

Kroko Autoprint Pro licence (1 pcs)

€395 + annual fee of €480


Kroko X6 printer (1 pcs)

Kroko Autoprint Pro licence (1 pcs)

€895 + annual fee of €480

Ask an expert

Jarmo Korkeamäki
Head of business sector


+358 45 132 1990